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The Drama Trade Rumors bug solution for NBA 2K22

  • الداعي
    ١٨ ديسمبر، ٢٠٢١
    In this case, I'm talking about mt 2k22 your game phone, not your real-life one. Also, you can change the type of your apartment in the settings and attempt to watch it again. There are additional options you can finish, like running group practice or perform some other activities after which you can watch the rant.

    If you're looking for the "official" solution what 2K have been able to provide is installing the game again and / or clear your cache. Therefore, it's worth a try if everything other options fail. Either way, it's the biggest annoyance of many such issues that players have had to face so far.

    Of course, the only true The Drama Trade Rumors bug solution for NBA 2K22 can come from the developers. According to the automated responses some players have received, 2K and Visual Concepts are well-aware of the problem and may be looking for the solution.

    So, we can only hope that this bug will be fixed within the next few days. In the meantime you can check out our other guides to NBA 2K22 that deal with additional glitches and issues. To mention a few guides, we've published articles such as Elevator Problems with Connection Unable to Connect To Server, Disappearing Tattoos Bug Solution, 6f8ce31b and 727e66ac Error code fix.

    NBA 2K22 is out a few weeks back, and with it has seen a huge number of players who are wondering how they can change the 2K22 affiliation. Affiliations can be very important for some players and with four affiliations, it's possible to get into a position you don't want to be. Luckily, the process is quite simple and should require players just a few minutes in order to cheap Nba 2k22 Mt transfer to a new affiliation.